Liberty Landscape Supply

What to do in March

Temperatures are finally warming up, and staying that way! Spring will soon be in full bloom – and now is your time to get a head start!

  1. Fertilize Give your plant friends a boost of nutrients to promote full bushy growth. Those that got damaged over the winter will especially benefit from this. Remember, more is not always better when it comes to fertilizer – too much can have the opposite effect that your going for!
  2. Prune You can finally safely cut back all your damaged materials. Not sure if your plants made it? Try scratching the bark lightly with your fingernail… if the inside is still green, it’ll come back. If you scratch at the bark only to reveal a dry brown color, it may be time to replace. Wait to cut back azaleas until they are finished blooming.
  3. Plant Right now is the perfect time to plant. It’s the perfect temperature for plants to get established before the heat of the summer. All the rain will help you save on water!
  4. Mulch By adding a layer of mulch to your beds, you’ll help keep weeds at bay, aid in moisture retention, and have your yard looking neat and complete!

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