Liberty Landscape Supply

Top 5 Low Maintenance Plants for Your Home and Garden 

Whether you have a busy schedule, are new to gardening, or just want some easy-to-care-for greenery, these low-maintenance plants are perfect for you. Here is a closer look at five resilient plants that require minimal care yet provide maximum beauty and benefits. 

Coneflowers are great if you are looking for a minimal maintenance plant. They prefer full sun, they are drought-tolerant once established and they enjoy well-drained soil. Coneflowers are hardy perennials that add a vibrant color to your garden with their luscious blooms. Bee’s and butterflies are attracted to this flower, which can help your garden thrive. Coneflowers are also known for their medicinal properties, traditionally used to boost the immune system.  

Then there is lavender. This plant also prefers full sun. It is drought-tolerant and likes well-drained soil. The only difference is that lavender also likes sandy soil. Lavender is commonly known for its fragrance and how it helps with stress and anxiety. Lavender can also be harvested for its essential oils and used in various projects.  

Aloe vera likes bright, indirect sunlight. It thrives when watered thoroughly but infrequently. It is important to allow the soil to dry out between waterings. The soil should be well-drained and can be a cactus or succulent mix. Aloe is exceedingly popular in the sunscreen industry. The gel inside its leaves can be used to treat minor burns, cuts, and skin irritations. Aloe vera is also known as an air purifier, making it a great indoor plant. 

Peace lilies like low to bright indirect light. If you keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged, then your peace lily will thrive. Peace lilies are known for their luscious white blooms and green foliage. They are excellent for improving indoor air quality because they can remove toxins like formaldehyde and benzene. Peace lilies do well in low light, making them the perfect house or desk plant.  

The spider plant likes bright but indirect light. It is only necessary to water the plant when the top inch of soil is dry. The plant does the best in well-draining soil. Spider plants are one of the most adaptable houseplants and are easy to grow. They produce baby plants or as some people call them “pups” that can easily be propagated into new plants.  

Adding plants to your home or garden does not have to be a daunting task. By choosing low-maintenance plants like coneflowers, lavender, aloe vera, peace lilies, and spider plants, you can enjoy the beauty and benefits of greenery without the hassle of extensive care routines. These plants are resilient, adaptable, and perfect for both novice gardeners and busy individuals looking to add a touch of nature to their space. Come to Liberty Landscape Supply today to find a low maintenance plant that is perfect for you. 

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